ULVAC, Inc. and each of its group companies (hereinafter referred to as “we / us / our”), as a whole, take a thorough approach to the strict observance of corporate ethics, and laws or ordinances, and we acknowledge that the protection of information such as the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of individuals which can specify or identify certain individuals (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”) is our important social obligation, and we stipulate the following privacy policy and work for the through compliance therewith.

1.    Collection and Use of Personal Information

Upon collecting Personal Information, we shall clarify the purpose of use thereof and collect such Personal Information according to legitimate and fair measures within the scope of our business. The Personal Information we have collected shall be managed with strict accuracy and used within the scope of the purpose of use which we have clarified.

2.    Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Personal Information which has been provided by individuals shall be used to fulfill our obligations hereunder, to develop and provide better products and services, and to deliver useful information.

3.    Prohibition of Provision to Third Parties

We shall not provide the Personal Information to any third parties other than our group companies and the consignees of our business activities without the consent of the individuals concerned or without just cause such as when being required by law. Also, when we provide the Personal Information to our group companies or the consignees of our business activities, we shall do so under adequate protection and management.

4.    Security Measures

In order to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage of the Personal Information under our management, we shall take countermeasures against unauthorized access, countermeasures against computer viruses, and other appropriate information security measures.

5.    Strict Observance and Management Style of Laws or Ordinances

Our officers and employees shall strictly observe the laws or ordinances as well as our regulations concerning the Personal Information.

6.    Continuous Improvement

We shall continuously review and improve our approach to protecting the Personal Information.